The Wellbeing Workbook
Today, more than ever, we need the gifts that wellbeing provides: wisdom, healing, compassion, confidence, and freedom.
Insightful and concise, the Wellbeing Workbook is practical and rich in content. It provides understanding of our feelings, thoughts and reactions, offering tools for transformation and growth:
Understand and change patterns of thought, including recurrent thoughts
Identify and change patterns of emotion
Create and change habits
Enhance positive connections with the body, others and nature
Connect better with the past, present and future
Written for those who want to grow, the book invites the reader to recognize and enhance existing wellbeing practices, introduce effective new tools and integrate them into a sustained and cohesive lifestyle of personal growth.
Each short entry encourages reflection on powerful themes and practices. The book is not prescriptive nor formulaic – it is written for people who apply ideas for themselves and choose their own path. It is a companion on the journey of personal growth and improved wellbeing. Each chapter includes quotes, a poem, and questions.
The Wellbeing Workbook is based on the popular ‘Being for Beginners’ series, developed by Roddy Bray working with Oxford postgraduates (read more at B4B). The ideas have been thoroughly reviewed in over two hundred workshops. These tools have brought insight and transformation to many hundreds of staff and students at Oxford and universities internationally.
The Wellbeing Workbook is available in:
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-7393564-9-1
Hardback ISBN: 978-1-7393564-8-4
Order Copies from Amazon or ask your bookstore to source using the ISBN
Published by: Coracias
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